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Notify Newsom - This is NOT No-Kill!

What is behind the malfeasance at animal shelters and pounds across our state and country? Answer : UCD Koret Shelter Medicine Program.

Why was Peanut, pictured here, a little 3 lb Chihuahua, found in a rough neighborhood in Sacramento turned away at Front Street Shelter on a cold day in November 2021?

Why does Front Street, Contra Costa County Pound and so many other shelters across our state turn away animals daily?

Why do they have policies in place to also turn away healthy adoptable cats and kittens? Telling the public to just leave these often unaltered animals on the streets where they are found. No more TNR or spay neuter resources?

Who is behind these devastating policies derelict Shelter Directors like Phillip Zimmerman at Front Street and Beth Ward at Contra Costa follow?

Meet Kate Hurley, Cynthia Karsten and the rest of those who betray animals everyday at the UCD Koret Shelter Medicine Program. This small group of Veterinarians started out about 15 years ago specializing in "Shelter Medicine" a program offered under the UCD Vet School.

Follow the money $$$ to understand why they are the darlings of the Pound Managers like Zimmerman.

FACT: UCD Koret receives no operational funds from UCD and functions as a non-profit. They have relied on consultation fees from Shelters across our state to stay in business.

FACT: We have learned KORET is very involved with the day to day running of Front Street and POUNDS all over the state. Little Peanut is just one of thousands turned away at shelter doors across our state because of UCD Korets recommended policy of "capacity of care". This policy encourages pounds like Front street to turn away animals when they meet their arbitrary and subjective "capacity".

Nowhere does KORETS policy mention what will happen to animals that are turned away. They talk about safety nets.... we assume that means us, the ill-equipped, ill-prepared, but caring public? They have promoted this "managed intake" of animals across our state . No wonder the streets are full of unaltered, unwanted animals breeding out of control. Suffering and dying while shelters turn the other way.

And UCD Koret's program for CATS is even worse. They are NOT to be allowed in the door at all.

We have all been lied to and misled. We are not alone. The state of California has been deceived as well. Our Governor gave $$ FIFTY MILLION $$ to UCD Koret to help make California "NO KILL". Yet NOT letting animals in the door has only made this crisis exponentially worse.

What can we do to help? Be the VOICE for those who have none...speak up, share the knowledge you have gained here...Contact Gov Newsom and ask ask him to give the remainder of the $$ 50 MILLION given to UCD KORET directly to municipal shelters for spay neuter.

KORET should NOT be managing these monies!! Turning away animals at the shelter doors will NOT advance "NO KILL"

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